Thursday, August 6, 2009

Snack Attack.

So, like almost every North American human being, vegans love to snack. There is tons of vegan snacks out there. For Example: Carrots, celery, dessert tofu, trail mix, crackers with soy cheese. Yum. Right? Well some days healthy eating and snacking just doesn't cut it. Remember when you used to go to the mall everyday in junior high and get deep dish frozen ice cream cakes and corndogs and A&W teen burgers? Sometimes I just long for the days of consciously feeding my body crap. Well thanks to Betty Crocker and modern science, this dream can live on.
While most of these delicious store bought instant frosting contain modified milk ingredients, Betty Crockers Whipped Cream Cheese Frosting is surprisingly free of cream, cheese, or any other dairy product. A little bit of artificial flavoring and a lot of vegetable oil made THIS vegan's snack attack a little more tasty today. While it was delicious, after half a tub I definitely felt the repercussions as my body doesn't do so well with fat but it was worth it.

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