Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Scrambled Benny.

Back in the day, when I was a non-restrictive-meat-eating-fat-loving-young girl, Eggs Benedict used to be my favorite meal. The delicious muffin and bacon combo topped with running poached egg yolk and a zingy butter sauce has in my later years, become the anti-christ. What's a vegan to do? TOFU OF COURSE!

My father makes the best hollandaise sauce I, or anyone I know, has ever tasted. The secret is a perfect balance between lemon and mustard. To emulate my fathers age old recipe, I scrambled some tofu this morning with a rich polish mustard, a splash of lemon juice and some good old S'n'P. Should I have had soy margarine (and my stomach not throw a hissy fit when trying to digest extra fat) it would have been a delicious addition to the scramble but, oh well. Throw the tofu on some doubled toasted g-free toast (double toasting for extra crispiness), top it with everyone's favorite tomato incarnation - Ketchup and of course, my favorite garlic dressing. Voila, some delicious vegan Scrambled Benny.

1 comment:

  1. I just ate a steak one-handed, in bed. Thought I'd let you know.
