Thursday, November 12, 2009

Italy a go go - Fava Bean Puree

I have been cooking stir fries with rice noodles for 3 years. I have used soysauce in almost every meal I have made since I can remember. We ran out of soy sauce the other day and I immediately went to the library and got and Italian cook book. Biba's Italy is my new latest and greatest. Despite the fact that I still shop at the Asian supermarket in china town for all my fresh and dirt cheap veggies, I am leaving the Asain fusion stirfry on the back burner. I even crossed the street to Kensington market the other day and bought myself some fava beans for one of Biba's first recipes. I have never used them before, nor bought any bitter greens (bok choy, 29 cents, that's all there is) but that's what it's all about - new ingredients and getting out of the stirfry rut. In the end, this is a great little appetizer and the fava bean puree is my new fav substitute for mashed potatoes or anything white and pureed.

Fava Bean puree with Bitter Greens inspired by Biba Caggiano.

Due to intolerance's I am substituting cauliflower for potatoes and rice patties for bread. Biba says as follows:

1. Soak the beans over night, peel them and cook in boiling water for one to two minutes.
2. Place beans and cauliflower in a pot just covering them with water. boil till soft and season with salt.
3. Blend beans and cauliflower together with a half a tbs of oil and season to taste. NOTE: my roommates said some extra flavor could be added - oregano? basil? whatever you like
4. Boil bitter greens (baby mustard leaves in this case) until tender the toss lightly with olive oil and salt

Biba says to serve the above with lightly toasted bread rubbed in garlic but - no bread in this kitchen. Substitute -

Brown rice pattie.

Using well down brown rice, crush using the back of a spoon and flatten in to a pattie. Lightly fry with garlic and oil cause seriously, who needs bread any way?

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